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Old 12-08-2008, 04:18 AM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Re: Amen to That!

Originally posted by tfjern
Will we ever see, in the Suggestions forum, a warm response from kinook like this: "Wow! Great suggestion, guys! We'll give it some careful thought. Stay tuned!"? [snip] I think we deserve a little better than this. [/B]
Much as I would like the warm fuzzy approach, I don't feel any kind of entitlement to it. Much as I would like more robust development, Kinook is a company in a free enterprise system.

The fact that you check competitors is good. It is good for Kinook to take that into account. It is good that if you find something better, that you should go for it. (And let me know - I might be right behind you!

But entitlement? No. Kinook has given me almost everything I asked for in a PM (hoisting being chief among my requests).

If/when development ever takes a robust turn again, I'll be back to post more suggestions (and I have quite a few - but not for a company that has put its *visible development* of its product into hibernation or the funeral parlor).

It's a great and wonderful product as it is.

The fact that it's standing still gives competitors a real opportunity to "dethrone the king." I look forward to the dethroning, as I, too, want more than what I already have. But for now, URP3 holds the crown.

If development of URP3 has died, may its reign be short indeed.

The gauntlet is thrown. Will Kinook pick it up and begin? We shall see.
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