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Old 12-08-2008, 11:01 PM
tfjern tfjern is online now
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Join Date: 10-09-2007
Posts: 132

In my reply to wordmuse (noted in one of TMF's quotes) I was being sarcastic, so I if you missed the sarcasm I guess I was not expressing myself very well after all.

I am well aware the kinook guys are geeky programmers, which is why some UR customers volunteered to make Camtasia videos to post online (kinook even set up a contest about this), as replacements for the so-called help file. Alas.

It would be nice to know some details about kinook's future plans regarding UR (why go through all the trouble of making Camtasia videos for a dead or dying product?). But to repeat what wordmuse said, kinook is a "company in a free enterprise system," and as such they don't owe us even the time of day. Like it or not, that's the system. Heaven forbid if we dare to raise questions about it.

P.s.: I just got an email from Tom at Zoot. Seems like a friendly guy. I guess he's the exception that proves the rule.
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