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Old 12-11-2008, 07:31 PM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
This is actually a bug. If VBP is started like

VisBuildPro /b project.bld

and exited while a build is running (and the build is aborted), unsaved changes to the project will not get saved.

This apparently isn't a very common scenario (modifying the project after starting in that fashion and then exiting VBP while the build is still running), since it wasn't reported in the last 6 (!) years.

You can work around the problem by either

1) Always stop the build before exiting


2) Add a global build done script event like so (View | Other Windows | Script Editor -> Global tab):

Sub vbld_BuildDone(status)

	' ensure any unsaved changes are saved if the build is aborted
	' since if the build was started via /b filename.bld and VBP v6
	' is exited while building, it won't prompt for unsaved changes
	' to the project
 	If status = vbldStepStatAborted And Project.IsModified Then Project.Save

End Sub
(note that this will save unsaved changes any time a build is aborted).

We'll fix this in the next version of VBP. Thanks.
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