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Old 12-12-2008, 01:56 PM
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Re: Huh?

Originally posted by tfjern
Who said anything about owing?

As far as I can remember I said, and several other UR customers on this forum have said the same thing as well, that it would be nice, repeat NICE, if kinook posted something about product development (yes, there is the roadmap, which was re-posted, but...).

UR is an outstanding product, vis-a-via its competitors, but there some things UR currently can't do (and e.g., Zoot 6.0 apparently will), and I for one am hoping UR development will be revived because I don't want to, among other things, go through the ordeal and expense of (again) changing PIMs.

By the way, I just got a very informative email from kinook that solved a problem I had about using EXCEL internally.
Uh.. Oh, I see - you're responding to another post.

Since you posted a few minutes after I did, I thought this was a reply to me. Been scratching my head wondering why!

Keep smilin', tj.

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