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Old 12-12-2008, 03:15 PM
wordmuse wordmuse is online now
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Join Date: 10-11-2006
Posts: 482
Maybe we're hoping for the same things; I just have a tough time taking Kinook to task for something I haven't paid for and which is not contractually owed.

It's Kinook's business whether to compete with Zoot or whoever. I'm content to adapt as products in the marketplace evolve.

For instance, I used to be a huge fan of Info Select. But, much to my dismay (not chagrin), they started developing it for an audience that clearly didn't include me - even though I was one of their first customers, when the product was called Tornado. Like here, I made lots of suggestions, many of which at first were implemented, and then decreasingly so. Finally the product went away from my ability to make use of it (and at a higher price). Clearly they no longer needed my business.

So I looked for an alternative, and eventually found URP. And URP is in most ways a superior product.

I never would have done that search had Micro Logic kept me as a member of its audience.

So the same holds with Kinook. And just as I hold nothing against Micro Logic, I will hold nothing against Kinook should something superior come along. It's all just business, and one thing about business: you have to adapt.

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