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Old 12-30-2008, 04:47 AM
armsys armsys is online now
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Join Date: 12-19-2007
Posts: 647
Outlook Protocol in UR

Actually in any item text and/or item note, you can insert a URL linking to a specific Outlook item (message, task, appointment, note,...etc.)

1. For background info, read:

2. Download a free program called Outlook Linker from TeamScope

3. Select an Outlook item.

4. Right-click the chain icon in the Taskbar to capture the link.

5. In UR, you can paste the link in the Item Text or Item Note.
The syntax of the Outlook Protocol URL in UR is, for example,
The GUID is obtained from Outlook Linker.

Hope you find the info useful.

Last edited by armsys; 12-30-2008 at 05:17 AM.
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