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Old 12-31-2008, 03:52 AM
armsys armsys is online now
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Join Date: 12-19-2007
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Originally posted by kinook
<p><a href='Outlook:0000000090116E77FD1A994BAE2972020E2B A7D404182000'>dfdf</a></p>

If you then delete the HTML code surrounding the URL, it will become a clickable link. You can also give the link a custom title via Format | Hyperlink Properties.
Yes, thru the Teamscope's Linker I can obtain the URL text similar to your example: <p><a href='Outlook:0000000090116E77FD1A994BAE2972020E2B A7D404182000'>dfdf</a></p>

However, I tried out several possible deletions of HTML codes, but it can't work. Yes, it's clickable. But it fails jumping to the targeted item in Outlook and Outlook complains with the following error message dialog box:
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Last edited by armsys; 12-31-2008 at 04:02 AM.
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