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Old 01-15-2009, 01:46 PM
teognost teognost is online now
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I have done these changes in Sch Task launching the build:
-Added the /mta switch
-using the console app (VisBuildCmd.exe) instead of the GUI app.
Result :the build finally passed the UT step!actually it is first time when it passed
Problem :build freezed at some further step -a simple Send Mail step but in message section has:
[vbld_EscapeString(vbld_FSO.OpenTextFile("%CURRENT_ UT_EMAIL_OUTPUT_FOLDER%\index.html", , , True).ReadAll)]

On a normal machine -never had any freezing issue .
Log looks like:
15/01/2009 6:53:01 AM: Building project step 'Send tests result email'...
15/01/2009 6:53:01 AM: Building project step 'Send tests result email-UT Tool launched succesfully'...

and nothing after this

Now I am trying one more thing ,I have added
a Run Script (VBScript) step at the start of the project with code of:
Application.Options.RunProgramOutputWaitTimeout = 1000
Application.Options.RunProgramInputWaitTimeout = 1000

to see if it helps.
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