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Old 01-25-2009, 07:06 AM
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Originally posted by armsys
... In fact, you're the first one and the only one enlightening us that the same level can mean transcending across inconsecutive Search Criteria (rows). That's awesome.
isn't it exactly what the help file says?

"All Criteria Rows at the same indent level (regardless of location) will be evaluated together as if they were enclosed in a parenthesis"

That means "transcending across inconsecutive rows" as well. Take whatever is on the same indent level and put it in the parenthesis. I tried one more very trivial example, ... again the results seems to be in line with how I understand the help file:
(aaa OR ccc) AND bbb

Surely, one would probably not make a confusing search criteria like the previous complicated example, and the rows with the same indent level would be consecutive.
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