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Old 02-12-2009, 05:43 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: ADO and Access 2007

Originally posted by RogueElement
(1) I am able to use ADO feature to communicate with an Access 2003 database but receive an error (invalid format) when using a 2007 version of the same database - is Access 2007 supported and if not why and when might it be?
I was able to use the ADO action with an Access 2007 database and Access 2007. Using the Server.bld sample (Database -> ADO section), I upgraded the sample.mdb to Access 2007 format, and the steps worked afterwards. I would guess that something is misconfigured with Access and/or ADO if it's not working. Make sure Access 2007 is installed and that the ADO Access driver is using Access 2007.

(2) When I return some results (using the 2003 db) into the ADO_RS macro, all I get is <object> rather than data - what might I be doing incorrectly?
The ADO_RS temporary macro is the ADO recordset object. See the Server.bld sample for iterating over the recordset after it has been populated.
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