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Old 02-17-2009, 07:42 PM
jdavidi jdavidi is online now
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Join Date: 10-27-2003
Posts: 38 yours works, and I substituted my script-action MsgBox step with a logging step...and that works. As did the rest of my logic that writes out values to a text file and proceeds with the rest of my build as intended.

So I guess what threw me into thinking I goofed somewhere is that I can't get MsgBox to return what I thought was be a simple string (or in my case an int value.) I threw CStr around the [vbld_TempMacroObj("LOOP_VALUE").Fields("ReleaseDet ailID").Value] logic but it still returns empty.

Odd, but I'm glad it's not impairing my end goal. Thanks a ton; can you think of any reason it won't display from a MsgBox call though?

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