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Old 08-27-2004, 11:41 AM
kevina kevina is online now
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This is the first report we've had of this particular issue, and there are many VBP users that are launching it via Scheduled Tasks (we also use scheduled builds regularly and have not encountered this behavior).

Just because Visual Build Pro is running as a process does not mean that the Scheduler launched the application properly. Does it show up as a running application? Is it open with the specified build file?

If you run the same command from a Command Prompt, does VBP build the project and exit?

Are you using the latest version of Visual Build Pro (version 5.5)? Are you current with your Win2K service packs and updates? We have had reports of different bugs related to the Win2K Scheduler in the past that might have been resolved in later updates...

Something is apparently different about the computer in question to cause the reported behaviour. Can you try it on a different machine (perhaps an XP to 2003 box) to isolate the problem?
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