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Old 08-30-2004, 06:38 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Well, that is a new piece of information that would have been helpful in the original report. Which version did you upgrade from? Was it working properly on this box with the old version before upgrading, or was this the first time VBP was installed on the box and it has never worked there? If you go back to the version you upgraded from, does it work correctly? Were any other updates (Windows Update or other service packs or patches) installed on the box before it stopped working, and how is this sytem's configuration different from the box where it is working?

We're still not quite clear on whether VBP always shows up as a process in task manager and/or with a GUI. Are you saying that the process always shows up in Task Manager, but it never shows a GUI (using either VisBuildPro.exe or VisBuildCmd.exe) when scheduled?

Does a simple project (for instance, the sample we used for testing [attached]) also fail from a Scheduled Task?

The more details you are able to provide, the higher the likelihood that we'll be able to help isolate the problem. Thanks.
Attached Files
File Type: bld pbi-wgbuild.bld (551 Bytes, 2058 views)
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