I used to get those holes in my windows with XP usually in Outlook or Quicken, eventually with graphic driver updates they were less frequent and mostly occurred when I hadn't booted the system for a long time.
My experience with Vista Ultimate has been very good over the past 1.5 yrs on both a very low powered (Via) system with the Vista glass off and with a high powered desktop with everything on. Itunes seems to cause some display problems on occasion leaving a ghost of its image overwriting another programs window.
In UR, I found the calendar problem that you reported and the spell check wavy red line sometimes persists or extends to blank space. I have URp running at all times and most of the time it has its own monitor which might account for my mostly trouble free visuals.
I have elected to install the latest video drivers from the video card maker NVIDIA as they are released hoping to stay ahead of the visual glitches.
Last edited by $bill; 03-31-2009 at 09:59 AM.