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Old 04-01-2009, 05:17 PM
armsys armsys is online now
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Join Date: 12-19-2007
Posts: 647
Thanks for your thorough reply.
My original question was erroneously posted.
The User Defined keywords involved are court case number as follows:
USC 07/10000
USC 08/10001
USC 09/10002
USC 09/10003
USC 09/10004
USC 09/10005

1. You're correct when searching "USC". Indeed, all items with key "USC" can be found.
2. With "Search only user-defined keywords" ON, searching "USC 07", "USC 08", or "USC 09" (without the the pair of double quotes) will fail.
3. With "Search only user-defined keywords" OFF, searching "USC 07", "USC 08", or "USC 09" (without the the pair of double quotes) will succeed.
4. That indicates, with "Search only user-defined keywords" ON, searching partial key is apparently not supported.
5. In fact, with "Search only user-defined keywords" ON, all following scenarios fail:
(a) USC 0
(b) USC 09
(c) USC 09/1005
(c) 09
(d) 1005
6. Paragraph 5 may suggest with "Search only user-defined keywords" ON:
(a) Search begins from the left most word;
(b) partial search not supported;
(c) multiple words (USC 09/10005) not supported, unless it's enclosed in a pair of double quotes.

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