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Old 04-13-2009, 02:25 PM
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Originally posted by Jon Polish
I am 100% certain. But just in case, I rebooted and tried again. The interesting thing is that I see, in the registry, only the newest quick search entries. I do not see the entire list that drops down from the box in UR.

I delete the entire key and fire up UR again. Two observations. First, alll of the entries are still present, even those I just deleted from the registry. Second, unlike before, I can now add to the list. But I cannot delete the list. Does it also exist within the database? This seems unlikely as the same list appears acrosss all my databases.
The list is stored and loaded only from the aforementioned registry key. Please ZIP and post or send to
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info
2) Run RegEdit and export the registry key "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kinook Software\Ultra Recall"
3) A screen shot showing the list containing items not in the registry
One more related question, please. While experimenting with this problem I typed "EEEEEEEEEEEE" (no quotes) in the quick search box. It turned up a bizillion hits which is not true. I then ticked "Match whole words" with the same results. Why?
UR does not create a keyword for a word with the same letter repeated 4+ times (i.e., eeee), and because of this, it also discards such words from a quick search, so all items will match if the search only contains words like that.

You don't have to wait for the search to complete (cancel the search, select another item, or type in a different search).

You could still search (unindexed) for such words in item text by doing an advanced search of Item Text matches wildcard *eeee*.
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