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Old 09-23-2009, 07:27 AM
kinook kinook is online now
Join Date: 03-06-2001
Location: Colorado
Posts: 6,049
When running a program and capturing output from stdout, VBP will check for available output every second (configurable at Tools | Application Options | Advanced | Run program output loop delay), logging up to 16K of output each time (configurable at Tools | Application Options | Advanced | Run program output buffer size).

Any logging of captured program output will occur immediately in the log file and console app (VisBuildCmd), and within 1/4 second in the GUI Output pane.

When running the attached project in VBP 7.2, I see the expected result of

Iteration #x...

added to the Output pane every second.

Note that when capturing program output from a file (rather than stdout), the output will not be logged until the program completes and the file is available for reading.

You might want to ensure that you are regularly flushing output in your utilities so that it gets sent to stdout immediately.
Attached Files
File Type: bld progoutput.bld (643 Bytes, 1749 views)
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