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Old 09-25-2009, 02:56 AM
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Re: Source Code Archive

Originally posted by armsys
Has anyone archived their source in UR?
Yes & no. I have been through the pandora of "thorough source documentation" and come out the other side a little battered and bruised. Overall i found the reward too meager for such efforts. I focus on "software management", using UR of course. I create a separate UR database for each software topic (eg. application, suite of related applications). I create main branches for things like:
* Ideas
* Documentation
* Publishing
* Strategy
* Design

Each "software" database becomes my main repository for material associated with a specific application. If i fix a (simple) bug, i might not update the database. If i do an enhancement, i update design, documentation and so forth before/during/after the modifications. I focus on concepts and modularity in the repository, allowing comments in source code to handle documentation of granular aspects. BTW: I manage the work load (projects / TTD) for all applications in my "core" PIM database.

Wouldn't it be wicked if there was an easy way to have syntax highlighting within UR? Then perhaps i would delve into the possibility of linking my UR database to source code files. (I use the "Folder" item to document and point to locations of source files and program resources.)
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