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Old 09-28-2009, 08:45 AM
Rogier Rogier is online now
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Join Date: 09-09-2004
Location: the Netherlands
Posts: 40
Downloading http url with username & password?

I need to download a HTTP url, and the server requires a username and password. However it does not offer https access, only http, so the 'Security' tab of the HTTP action is set to 'None'. (I'm mentioning this because I'm not sure if the username & password authentication are also used when using *no* security protocol?)

I've isolated a test case, see attachment. I'm trying to download this test url:
(username = user, password = example)

The .bld says "Error getting file: The specified resource cannot be found (Not Found)" although it works fine in my browser.

I'm probably not using the HTTP action correctly, what am I doing wrong?
Attached Files
File Type: bld example.bld (650 Bytes, 2031 views)
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