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Old 11-29-2009, 01:20 AM
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Originally posted by Roaster
Ok, if you deleted the file from the UR installation folder, UltraRecall uses the one it could locate here C:\WINDOWS\system32\RichEd20.dll version (in my case).

Unfortunately this DLL version is the one which is not capable of editing tables :-(

When using the Office RichEdit DLL, I've told UR setup to use it, I can find this one in the UR installation folder: riched20.dll version 12.0.6413.1000 (Office 2003 installed here).

This is obviously the version which crashes UR when pasting any images from clipboard - just re-tested again.

I wonder if the Office 2007 RichEdit DLL would do a better job?
Hi Michael.

This post by Kyle in the FAQ forum explains a lot of the issues involved with different versions of the MS RTF engine:

It appears that later versions are better with tables and some other advanced formatting but are also more prone to crashing, while the older versions are more stable but less feature-filled.

BTW, if you search the files on your computer you can probably find ~5 or 6 versions of riched20.dll.

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