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Old 12-03-2009, 08:06 AM
mikeg mikeg is online now
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Join Date: 09-19-2007
Posts: 106
Originally posted by kinook
UR does also install commands that are usually displayed in the Add/Remove Commands area of IE (for adding to the built-in IE toolbar), but I'm not seeing those in IE8/Win7 either. Again, I don't know why. The method used for adding those commands may not be supported in newer versions of IE.
I could swear UR buttons were in the built-in toolbar after I converted to IE8 back in June and then moved to a custom toolbar more recently (maybe after UR 4.0?). I'm really not sure. Anyone out there still running UR 3.5 or earlier with IE8? I could try it in a VM, but I don't have 3.5 installer anymore. LinkStash, Roboform and some other add-ons install in the built-in toobar, but as you indicated, perhaps a different method is required now.
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