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Old 12-10-2009, 10:49 PM
mweinberger mweinberger is online now
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Join Date: 12-23-2005
Posts: 40
Thank you for the reply.

Unregistering all the DLLs in the SystemFolder sub-folder, closing every single memory resident program and all applications, and then uninstalling everything did the trick. I was able to uninstall the product, although there were three executables left in the Tools folder, which I deleted manually, along with a temporary file in the Uninst folder. Windows would not let me delete the physical VisualBuildPro folder, as it said that it was used. I did not care about that, as I was installing 7.2a into the empty folder, so no harm. 7.2a installed and started up nicely.

Thanks again.

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