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Old 12-16-2009, 02:03 PM
abcdetech abcdetech is online now
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Join Date: 04-30-2008
Posts: 18
LASTSTEP_STATUS, executing next step based on previous step

The easiest way to execute the second step based on previous step is to use %LASTSTEP_STATUS%

I have two steps:

1. Make VS2008
2. Copy Files with Build Only if %LASTSTEP_STATUS% is equal to 0.

This will work.

Now, in step 1 I've added - Build "Failure Step Something" on failure.

Now if Step 1 fails, it goes into Failed steps and %LASTSTEP_STATUS% gets reset to 0. So Step 2 will be executed no matter what; even if Step 1 failed. This is not what I want.

How to execute Steps 2-N only if Step 1 in Project Steps succeeded?

Manipulating with temp macros, setting them up, resetting - it's a pain. Perhaps there is a better way with System Macros to do this?

thank you
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