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Old 01-01-2010, 11:19 PM
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Originally posted by kinook
Testing with UR Pro v4.1.2.3, Windows 7 RTM, .eml configured to display in the MIME viewer, and the .urd file you sent, the imported Thunderbird message displays internally in UR and doesn't open externally. I'm not really sure what could cause it to open externally for you.
Well, I don't know what I could have done to cause it to keep opening externally. Most are opening internally.

I also sent you screen caps of my UR Options for Browser, Document, and Editor; did you happen to see anything there that is out of line? They should be all default except for where I added the email file extensions to the MIME viewer.

Has anyone else seen this? If so, please let me know what you have done to try and fix it.

Thank you.

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