Thread: Attribute pane
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Old 01-20-2010, 12:42 PM
Jon Polish Jon Polish is online now
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Join Date: 07-21-2006
Posts: 391
Is there no way to retain the ability to display the unchecked attributes in the related items pane and not display them in the atttribute pane? If not currently possible, would you consider a way to separate them? I really don't see why a full list of choices should not be displayed when I right click then choose "more" in the related items pane. Culling this list serves no purpose for me as I want to see a complete selection of choices for display. On the other hand, it is helpful for me to be able to turn off those attributes I do not need to access in the attribute pane.

I am also not in favor of an incomplete list of searchable attributes displayed under advanced search.

Maybe I am approaching this the wrong way. What are your thoughts?


P.S. I suppose I could come up with a work around by prefixing the system attributes with an asterisk, then list the attributes alphabetically.
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