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Old 01-23-2010, 11:34 AM
mikeg mikeg is online now
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Join Date: 09-19-2007
Posts: 106
I built a new home PC over the holidays (Windows 7 Pro x64). After installing UR Pro 4.1b, I noticed the Copy and Link to UR buttons installed correctly in the IE8 built-in toolbar! The custom UR toolbar is available of course, but there's no need for it now. Also, the UR buttons appear only once each in Manage Add-Ons (as they should). So everything is good at the moment.

Recap: As reported in my OP, the UR add-on was fine on my old PC running XP/IE7/UR 3.5. Then, at some point while running XP/IE8/UR 4.0, I noticed the UR buttons displayed twice in Manage Add-Ons and the icons were no longer available in the built-in toolbar.

I didn't see a fix for this in UR 4.1a/b version history. Also, kinook reported the same add-in issues in Windows 7, so my move to Win 7 must not be the difference This leads to a few theories which others may have feedback on or could be tested in a VM at some point.

1) The problem occurs when upgrading from IE7 to IE8
2) Occurs when upgrading to a new version of UR
3) Maybe MS recently fixed a bug in the IE add-on installer

I'll see what happens when the next UR version comes out...

Last edited by mikeg; 01-23-2010 at 11:39 AM.
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