Thread: Outlook Sync
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Old 02-07-2010, 03:06 AM
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I was a little surprised by the way the Outlook sync works. I upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows 7 a month ago. I had Outlook 2003 installed on XP but did not install Outlook after upgrading to Win7.

I had a few folders of older Outlook messages imported into URp while still on XP. I thought I had just imported the messages themselves, not actually meaning to sync them. However once Windows 7 was installed - and no Outlook - all of those messages only have titles - no message bodies in UR anymore.

So I am guessing that when I imported them (pretty sure I had dragged and dropped them) they were imported as links to Outlook or something like that, and would only show up in UR as long as Outlook was installed and the messages were still there in the same place.

BTW, no problem with losing the messages altogether; I have more than one email archive and so am able to move them into UR again - I keep them in UR for quick access for reference only.

Thank you.

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