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Old 02-15-2010, 12:32 AM
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Hi Don.

While I don’t know with any certainty I would think that it would require some program changes in order to do this. Well, then again I should ask first: Are you talking about importing the entire Evernote database? Or whole notebooks at a time?

Of course individual notes could be copied and pasted into a new child using the "Text" template. But since Evernote doesn’t store notes individually, but in a database I would guess that some coding would be required to split the imported database into its individual notes and then create children text templates for each separate note in UR.

Some less robust note-taking programs store each note as a separate file, and that would be a lot easier. E.g., Aignes Software's AM-Notes and ZuluPad, among others. But I don’t think that an Evernote database or notebook could be imported unless some sort of conversion coding was added to UR. Which would be nice but I haven't seen any requests for it so I doubt it is on the roadmap.


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