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Old 03-17-2010, 02:48 PM
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Originally posted by kinook
You should be able to create a file in the TEMP path (many apps, like UR itself, need to be able to write there, so you should be able to as well). Create a text file there named UltraRecall.loc with contents of the full path+filename of UltraRecall.exe (with no quotes or newlines). Literally type %TEMP% into Explorer or a file dialog to save in that path.

Or force UR to run in portable mode (see and start UR before using the Firefox extension.
THANK YOU! Adding the file to the TEMP directory worked as expected.

Perhaps the installer could be made to handle such cases (non-admin installs of UR), so that clipping worked immediately after installation? Or advise the user on how to workaround?
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