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Old 05-05-2010, 12:16 PM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Error processing command line

Originally posted by Anthony
A very novice user here, so sorry, if I miss something.
I have two initial issues, the first of the two only with the portable version (latter version 4.1c).
1) After running the register.bat in the integration folder, I saw the icons both in IE and Windows Explorer (WE). Using the latter WE icons, I cannot copy or link anything though. I got always the following message: "Error processing command-line. Error importing (here is the the path of UR file): file or URL not found. There are no icons moreover in the "sent to" right click menu.
register.bat registers only the IE and Outlook toolbars (Windows Explorer does also show the IE toolbar, but it works only with IE, not WE).

register.bat doesn't register the Windows Explorer 'send to' menu items. To add Send To items to WE for portable UR, you would need to manually create shortcuts in the SendTo folder (C:\Documents and Settings\username\SendTo on Windows XP). For Copy To UR, the shortcut should have a Target like

"x:\path\to\UltraRecall.exe" /importdup

and for Link to UR, replace /importdup with /import.
2). I think that the way the items in the data panel (on the left) are re-arranged is not coherent. See the following example with these items.
...+-Notes_2..........Now if I move Notes_2 to the left, it does not
...+-Notes_3..........shift above Notes_4 as it should be, but it
+-Notes_4.......... goes at the very bottom of the tree, i.e.
(etc)....................under Notes_10 or whathever.

. Thank you for any help.
I'm not able to reproduce the behavior you described (see
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