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Old 11-16-2004, 04:16 AM
a_t_jackson a_t_jackson is online now
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Join Date: 03-11-2003
Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Posts: 23
IDE caption bar to show full path to bld file

I need to manage different branches of the same code base. In each branch the build script is named the same - because its just a branch. For that reason I need to be able to tell easily which version of a script I currently have opened in the Visual Build IDE. It would would be really useful if the caption bar on the IDE displayed full path to the script file.

At the moment it just displays the filename:
"MyScript.bld - Visual Build Professional"

But I'd like...
"C:\MyCode\1.0\MyScript.bld - Visual Build Professional"
"C:\MyCode\2.0\MyScript.bld - Visual Build Professional"
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