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Old 05-22-2010, 07:46 AM
$bill $bill is online now
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Join Date: 09-14-2006
Posts: 210
Bal- I believe the features you need are already "baked in"..

UR has been a fantastic to-do list manager for me.

I use a custom task form to "check off an attribute" along with a saved search "to make the item no longer part of the to-do list".

I use multiple sorted columns in the related items grid and different views of the same list in different tabs.

I use due dates and appropriate search parameters so that I can add items to the list but not have them appear on the to-do list until they are due.

I use nested searches to search on hierarchy, so that items that can't be done until something else is done first, don't appear on the list.

I have to-do lists by project.

In fact, much of the time, I would rather customize my to-do list than to actually complete the items on it...and UR has so many ways to organize my data. In the "Next Planned Release" is "Checkbox for yes/no attributes in grid" and "Ability to hide completed items in tree"
I may never perfect my to-do list.

The included sample GTD.urd was a useful source of ideas for me....
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