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Old 06-29-2010, 10:48 AM
ashwken ashwken is offline
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Re: Does not work with Word file

Originally posted by JGM22
When I click on the Template item it only shows 'Document' ( these are Word files that were imported ). When I created a new internal UR document, I was able to change the Template item value.

Not sure why the Word document will not let me change the value.
Any data file that you import is going to be assigned to the default Document Template - images, pdfs, web pages, word or excel files, zip files, *.exe, are all examples of data files that will be assigned to the Document Template upon import.

User-defined Templates can be created - a copy of a Core Template, usually based on either the Document or the Text Template - and user-defined Attributes can be assigned to such a template.

Re-assignment of a Template is available within the same Template Type (either Document or Text). Look at the default templates, Text Type Templates allow for Text editing in the Item Detail body, Document Type Templates do not.
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