First of all, another shout out to Kinook for keeping a wonderful product evolving. More than a few of my requests have made it into the new version, so naturally I'm pleased.
I love the new internal linking. Nearly perfect.

Why nearly? Because it would be a wee bit better if:
1 - the cursor was automatically positioned inside the detail pane when you use forms as a header, which I do. When forms are used, the cursor appears in the first form field. But tabbing out of the form takes me to the correct spot in the detail pane. Excellent.
[after-thought: I just tested this on an item that doesn't have a form associated with it. In this test, the focus ends up in the tree pane rather than inside the detail pane. My preference would be for the cursor to be at the beginning of the internal anchor inside the detail pane.]
2 - If URP could somehow indicate which line and where on the line the linked-to text is. In an item densely packed with text, I have to scan a bit. Not a big deal as anchor appears near the top of the Detail pane, but it would be a nice touch to have the line highlighted with a light silver (just a thought).
[after-thought: I realize that #1 and #2 are very similar. The difference is that #2 asks for a little bit more in the way of visual cues.]
3 - If when copying the internal link location, URP captured both the anchor and any text swiped at the time of setting the anchor, such that when I pasted the link in another frame, the selected text became the anchor text for the link. This would make the link more semantically usable, yes?
But as it is, URP is considerably more useful to me, so thanks again.
- Bal