As I've worked with Evernote, GoogleDocs, and Zoho, all of which offer some degree of overlap of features found in URP, I find myself wishing that URP offered some kind of cloud computing features. I'd even be willing to pay for some kind of online server based features.
I've tried Dropbox. It is not an ideal product. I have lost important files, or files have not updated appropriately when I've used (misused? I don't know) that product.
Also - as I now have a smart phone (as do millions of others - increasing all the time), a mobile app which gave me access to my URP data (hopefully write access, but at least read) would seem to become increasingly important.
I know that Evernote is moving in that direction (they have a mobile app that works pretty well).
I think with server/mobile features, URP would attract lots of new customers.
Of course, I have no idea about the technical challenges involved. I'm just sayin...
- Bal