Originally posted by wordmuse
viliv does look interesting, but it's not really a substitute for the cloud, as you do indicate.
I want to be able to access my data without worrying about the hardware. If I were to be drop kicked into a strange city, but still had internet access, say at a library, I could still get work done with URP, but only if it were in the cloud.
sorry, i disagree
i can have access to my data with viliv ANYWHERE, i don't need library, i don't need internet, i can be 1000 metres under ground or 10 km in the sky ... with those 400g in my pocket, call it a brain extention
and i'm realistic, kinook several times mentioned that it would be too much work to port ur to web, with the speed of dev, it's years ... more probably never.
with viliv, i don't need to fantasise, i have it NOW!