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Old 11-23-2004, 09:19 PM
bkonia bkonia is online now
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Join Date: 11-23-2004
Posts: 98
Popup Calendar for Dates

Ultra Recall should automatically popup a calendar when the user clicks in a date field.

Kevin's response:

"A Popup calendar for dates is currently available via the menu (View | Other Windows | Calendar) or via a keyboard shortcut: Alt+C"

My response:

"I tried that and it works OK, but it's not ideal. Most datebook applications will automatically popup a calendar when you click on a date field. Having to go through menus or remember keyboard shortcuts every time you want a calendar is kind of inconvenient. Also, after you click on the date, the calendar should disappear and the date should automatically be copied into the field. Again, having to click on the "Copy and Paste" button is an extra step thats unnecessary. If you have some users who for whatever reason don't want the popup calendar, then make it a preference setting, but I think the default should be that the calendar pops up automatically."
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