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Old 10-05-2010, 07:49 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by teognost
What I do not uderstand -why it says "Illegal operation attempted on a registry key that has been marked for deletion" for a step which is not a VB Script step (there is no scripting part of this step) but just a simple 'Create folder' or 'Send Mail' ?
The error message indicates that CoCreateInstance for a Visual Build action failed (Visual Build actions are also implemented as COM components). It seems as though something has gone awry with COM in general (not just Active Scripting).

Is not something wrong with VisBuild installation ?(although everything went ok when I installed it)
I don't think so (it sounds like a Windows/COM issue), but you could try reinstalling Visual Build.

Could be this caused bu the fact it is a X64 OS on a virtual machine?
Our testing was done in a VMware guest, and we've never seen this.

Maybe I should try to reinstall OS and use X32 -w2003 Server ?
This is a machine where I had problems with frozen builds ,your suggestion was to reinstall OS but now I am running in different kind of issues ...
Reinstalling or repairing Windows might help. Is there any other resident software that could possibly be interfering or causing issues? Any details that would enable us to reproduce the problem would be helpful. Thanks.
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