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Old 11-24-2004, 07:07 AM
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Join Date: 06-13-2004
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Posts: 4
Problem with ‘Send Mail’ in VBP 5.6


I have a ‘Send Mail’ step in my VBP project.
When used on previous versions (5.5, 5.4a) it worked just fine giving me a “Message successfully sent” log.

After upgrading to 5.6 the same ‘Send Mail’ step returns the following error:
Connecting to SMTP server '' on port 25
Error authenticating user: The specified option is not supported on this server ( Hello [] )
Step 'email file sizes' failed
Build ended.

The step itself is very basic, on the Server tab I only set the ‘Mail Server’, ‘Username’, ‘Password’ and ‘Domain’ fields everything else is left with its default values.

Itai Shaham
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