wordmuse and quant, many many thanks, I can now make links to external programs which is a very big step ahead for me. (And sorry to kinook I did not understand helpfile too well.)
Unfortunately, the links I need most importantly cannot be realised? I would like to seperate my texts into different Ultra Recall databanks, in the form easy access/important/current affairs in databank 1, reference material in database 2.
I can drag-and-drop items from 2 into 1, without or with activating alt key (makes no difference here), and I cared for this option=yes
(from help file: Note: What happens when text that contain a URL is dropped within Ultra Recall is determined by the user setting: Tools | Options | Import | Identify and process URL in clipboard text. The two different options are:
Yes: Ultra Recall will attempt to create an Info Item based on the URL).
But all I get in 1 is normal text item with the text of this item as it has in 2 at this moment, which is a copy of this item, not a link to this item. When I make changes to this item in 2, the text in this same item in 1 is not changed with it.
But when I do a link to whole Ultra Recall 2 database as a whole, it is a real link, but I cannot open this database 2 with a link, to a item in it, it seems?
I would like to know:
I know that logical linking is only possible within one database, so within 1 or within 2, but could this be made possible?
I know that when drag-and-drop, or when alt-drag-and-drop only give text item, it must be a copy, not a link. But could it be made possible to have a link insted, to a item in other Ultra Recall dababase, like it is possible to have a link to other Ultra Recall database in whole? (Logical linking would be better, that is sure.)
Again many thanks for this great help, and big thanks to quant and wordmuse also for backing my request to have non-expanded original tree in original tab when opening subtree in other tab!
Last edited by schferk; 11-16-2010 at 07:38 AM.