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Old 11-17-2010, 08:51 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Originally posted by schferk
[Thank you very much for answer. I take your answer here in whole to comment please since I did not understand.]

There's currently no direct way to do that, but you could do it manually.

First, create a document item where you want to create a link

[First difficulty. In file 1 (file in which the link/linking document will be) I try to insert a "document" But in menu "Tree" "Insert Child" and "Tree" "Insert Sibling" there is no "Document", only Appointment, Contact, Folder, Project, Search, Task, Text, no Document. So I go to "Templates", select "Document" there, copy to clipboard, go to "Notes", paste "Document", rename it "Linking Document". This works up to here but it is not practical to create documents of "Document" type by copy and paste only, should be in the menu as the other document types.]
The Document template is not included in the Insert list by default, since usually these will be created by importing an actual document. You can enable it by downloading the attachment at the bottom of the message, extracting, and double-clicking EnableCanInsertDocumentTemplate.reg and restarting UR.
(one way would be to copy/paste the .urd file from Explorer into the tree).

[This I do not understand, and since I get nowhere, this is perhaps the key part of your explanation. But I do not want to link to a whole urd file, only to a item in other urd file. But I even imported whole 2.urd file (as second try) as a external item in file 1.urd, and got a "2.urd" with a Ultra Recall symbol before it, in the tree, and the text "Click here to open linked document" in text of it (control-4). This link to whole file "2.urd" works fine but is not what I want, but I even tried to link here in text of this item "2.urd" (of file 1.urd) to paste the target item from file "2.urd" (see next point), before or after the text "Click here to open linked document" but with no success, it is not pasted.]

Then copy the item to link to

[This would be text item in file 2, named "Target Item (is in file 2)", and I select the item in the tree (of file 2), and I copy to cliboard (with control-c).]

and paste it into the URL attribute (Ctrl+4) of the new document item.

[See above, I try with no success to do the paste command in the text/document field (control-4) of the item in which the link would be fired, and independent if it is a empty field or a field in which there is the text "Click here to open linked document.]

Now selecting that item
and Ctrl+J or Item | Open Document will open the item in the other database.

[Since pasting does not work, I do not get to this point. Above, you said "manually", and I thought, if the creation of the link is "manually", it could done with a macro perhaps, main point is that the firing of the link will be easy, perhaps with double-click with mouse or perhaps this control-j or other, but I cannot fire the link since I cannot make it work. So, please, where is the trick pleas?]
The contents of an item in another database will not be displayed in the UR detail pane, only the ability to open that link in the other database.
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