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Old 11-24-2004, 10:29 PM
igoldsmid igoldsmid is online now
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Join Date: 11-18-2004
Posts: 228
Lightbulb I totally Agree with Outlook Sync being Vital

Right Now I have bought Ultra Recall - BUT at the same time I am using the beta version of OMEA Pro ( - which completely sync's with Outlook and provides quite a lot of the same functionality as Ultra Recall.

OMEA Pro is way advanced in its Outlook integration and its concept of Workspaces - as well as providing quite sophisticated views and filters across all the data.

Ultra Recall has a nicer user interface - but I'm struggling to really use it seriously due to the lack of Outlook Sync. What would be truly great is if it had full Outlook Sync plus its ability to add further information management dimensions to all the data with its current capabilities.

I realize Outlook sync is very hard, partly due to all the variations - but OMEA Pro is nearly there, give or take a few bugs. I don't think it is possible for a product to really compete now without Outlook sync / integration...

Regards, Ian
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