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Old 12-20-2010, 12:09 PM
jdavidi jdavidi is online now
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Team Foundation checkin unmodified file - question/suggestion


We're in the middle of migrating a bunch of our Vault-stored projects to TFS 2010, and I'm updating our corresponding Visual Build source control steps along with it.

One of our procedures involves the checkout, possible modification, and checkin of a file. Vault's checkin command is successful whether or not the file is modified, however with TFS, the checkin is throwing an Exit Code of 1, a "partial success" when we don't have local changes, per this article:

I'm assuming Visual Build (7.7) is only allowing 0 as a successful exit code. Is there any current way around this using the Team Foundation action?

I'll probably make this command a Run Program action for now with allowed exit codes of 0 and 1, but if there's no current workaround, I think it'd be a great addition to the Team Foundation action's Checkin tab to allow the TFS checkin exit code 1 (ParticalSuccess) to be an optional success step condition.

Thanks much!

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