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Old 01-25-2011, 02:52 PM
sujay_hsk sujay_hsk is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2011
Posts: 6
Project step not working after upgrading to Visual Build Professional 7.7


We are not at all concerned about the compilation failure. We know it will fail. We have VB script to re-compile the failed projects. But, all we are worried is why do Visual Build fails soon after a c# project compilation (through Make VS.Net) fails.

We also tried setting "Continue building"- On Step Failure for all the steps we run, but didn't help.
ANd in Vis Build 5.7 we had "Ignore step failure" and didn't have this "On Step Failure" option. I think this option is by default "Stop the Build" in 7.7 and is causing the build to stop even if we change it to "Continue building"

Please let me know, if i misunderstood.

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