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Old 01-26-2011, 10:42 AM
MrZebulon MrZebulon is online now
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Join Date: 01-26-2011
Posts: 5
Import webpages stored on a local hard disk?

Hello All,

I am new to his forum.
many of my offline webpages I stored with SrapBook Plus within Firefox.
To import them to UltraRecall I exported them to another folder.
With the import function of UR I can import one single folder. that works. the webpage is stored. BUT
To import all the folders I input the name of the folder C:\temp\scarpbook_export conatining all my subfolders/webpages.
It seems thar UR polls all the folders becaue it takes a long time. but nothing was imported.
Is there a posibility for such a task?? It would be very unhandy to import every single folder.

Many thanks and kind greetings
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