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Old 01-27-2011, 12:48 PM
sujay_hsk sujay_hsk is online now
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Join Date: 01-19-2011
Posts: 6
Question Project step not working after upgrading to Visual Build Professional 7.7

I tried setting objStep.Property("continueonfail")=1 in my Make VS.NET step. With this, build continued and executed all the steps that appeared next though the compilation of few projects failed(Which is correct!).
But, it fell into infinite loop. It didn't stop untill i manually stop it. I've attached the bld file with this reply.

In our script, local_CompileAgain() function is always returning 'true'. The function seems to be correct to me and should return 'false' if CURRENT_COMPILE_NUMBER exceeds COMPILE_TIME. But, not sure whats going wrong.

In the VSBuild IDE, i tried to set the limit for 'Number of tries' under "On Step Failure" option.
And i also tried to set the option Build only if expression evaluates to true with below expression:
But it didn't help! Values for these macros are coming correctly though.

Could you please see if anything is going wrong in local_CompileAgain() function or let me know how can i limit the number of passes\trials for a step.

The options in IDE barely seems to work. Looks like it should be something in script.

Attached Files
File Type: bld fullbuild.bld (18.6 KB, 1544 views)
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