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Old 01-27-2011, 04:46 PM
MrZebulon MrZebulon is online now
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Join Date: 01-26-2011
Posts: 5
Originally posted by hartmut
Mrzebulon, where you are from?
Where did you learn German ? our you are a native?
your German is excellent.
Hey Hartmut,
you put a big smile on my face.
Up to now I had 52 years time to learn German. Born in Saarland near the French Border - living in Regensburg now. But I wish my English would be nearly as good as my German! ;-))
I am glad to bought UR a couple of days ago. The best I could get, imho. And I've tried many competitors. One of the things I like most is the possibility to edit the stored web-pages and I am shure to find more ideas to improve UR. It's a great piece of Software.

Have a nice evening!
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