Thread: ADO Loop error
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Old 01-28-2011, 10:49 AM
jkurtis jkurtis is online now
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Join Date: 01-28-2011
Posts: 2
ADO Loop error

I'm trying to call a SQL Stored proc from an ADO action, loop over the resulting record set and do something with it and am having some problems.

My ADO call works fine.
My next step is a loop over the %ADO_RS%. This works fine.
The problem is inside of the loop. At this point I'm trying to log the message and am receiving the following error:

Error expanding macros or script in property Message: <Error in System (VBScript) script code at Line 21, Column 2 (Object required: 'vbld_TempMacro(...)')>

I'm attaching my build script for examination. if anyone has any idea whats going on I'd appreciate the help.

Attached Files
File Type: bld sql_ado.bld (1.0 KB, 1574 views)
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