AddSetMacroStep objApp.Project, macro.Name, macro.Value
does not work for me

I'm doing everyting like in the sample and later in the build trying to output macros value from the cmd file:
echo %MY_TEST%
I got nothing.
What am I trying to achieve - I'm trying to separate my global macros into two files - one is global global

, and another is specific for each vendor (it will contain stuff like COMPANY_NAME etc...).
So far I was not able to achieve this because Visual Build do not export macros loaded during build to environment.
I load macros like this:
Application.Macros(vbldMacroGlobal).Load "c:\FULLPATH\vendor.macros"
And then iterate all macros:
For Each macro in vbld_AllMacros()
AddSetMacroStep .......
And then run test.cmd:
echo %MY_TEST%
I got ECHO is on.
On the second run everything is OK because new global macros are exported to environment.
So I've tried to restart build from itself, but failed too:
Builder.Stop or Builder.ResetBuildStatus did not help me.
Any advice for my problem?