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Old 02-09-2011, 09:51 AM
kinook kinook is online now
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Re: Insert an info-item

Originally posted by c&b
Still evaluating UR, and got a couple of question:

In my tree in Data Explorer I have "folders" with subfolders. In one of these I want to add a text-item. I click on the subfolder, right-click it and select "Insert child" (or Alt+Ins), and then select Text. Is there any easier way to do this? I'm thinking: select the subfolder, then click a combination of keys for "insert Text beneath this subfolder" (e.g. Alt+T) to save myself of two mouse-clicks. Or even better: is it possible to register a hotkey for starting UR (from the statusbar), focus on some kind of favourite-folder and then open a new document (of a given type), ready to type in the title? (all this with *one* key combination).
Not with a single hotkey, but you can define a hotkey to activate UR (Tools | Options | General | Activation hotkey, default is Win+Z), a shortcut to go to a favorite item (Favorites | Organize), and to insert a text item use Alt+Insert, T (which inserts an item and begins editing the title).
I try to drag and drop a mail from MS Outlook into the tree in Data Explorer. It works, but pictures in the mail disappears and shows up as a placeholder with the red X in it. Am I doing anything wrong?

UR is looking really promising, btw.
Sometimes IE has trouble displaying some Outlook message formats. You can use Item | Open Document (Ctrl+J) to view the message externally in Outlook with all formatting.
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